Alopecia Areata (AA) is believed to be an autoimmune condition where a malfunction or ”misunderstanding” in the immune system leads the white blood cells, which form a vital part of the body’s immune system, to attack the body’s own cells or tissue. In the case of AA, the hair follicle is attacked causing the hair follicle to stop producing hair.

Research on Alopecia Areata at My Hair Clinic

At My Hair Clinic we are testing a new treatment protocol for AA. The results from the very first patient are promising.

The patient was female, in a state between Alopecia Totalis and Alopecia Universalis with very limited head hair, primarily at the back of the head. Hair loss in the eyebrows and body hair, while eyelashes were not affected.

Further the patient had very limited growth of her nails, that were fragile. The following milestones have been noted

Drawing any final conclusions at this stage, would be premature and many more treatments and patients would be needed for a final verdict on this treatment. However, so far the results have been promising. 

There are a number of characteristics for AA

Depending on the severity of the conditions AA is divided into three groups

Treatment of Alopecia Areata

As frustrating and unfortunate as it may be, it’s important to remember that there is no cure for AA.

In the most common form, Alopecia Areata (AA) hair loss is seen in one or more bald patch/patches or spots. In most patients, the hair will grow back spontaneously and no treatment is required.

In severe cases of AA, whether in the extent of hair loss or duration, various treatments can be tried out. As there is no cure, the treatment suitable for your condition can vary greatly and will be tailored to your specific needs. Even after a complete regrowth of hair, the condition may relapse.

Treatment options include, but are not limited to

Patients suffering from AA can contact My Hair Clinic

As mentioned above, the results from our research into Alopecia Areata look promising. However, we do require more patients to verify the results and fine tune the treatment protocol. Patients suffering from Alopecia Areata are welcome to contact My Hair Clinic for further information about AA.

Below Dr Hussain gives an introduction to Alopecia Areata, also called Bal Char in Urdu and Hindi.

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